Monday, April 27, 2009

Seriously Cereal

I would like to recant my previous statement about Special K Chocolately Delight. I LOVE it and it's one of my faves, but I have to put Raisin Bran up there with it!! Man I love me some Raisin Bran!!!

This week I have a doctor's appointment. It's my 6 week post-partum check up which means.......... drum roll please.......... I CAN FINALLY START WORKING OUT!!! Oh how I have longed to start working out again! Chad's dad bought me a jogger (a stroller with hardy outdoor wheels) and I have been dying to use it! So bring on the warm weather! I'm ready!!

Happy Monday, y'all!


Sunday, April 26, 2009


Share your comments by clicking the word "comment" at the bottom of each post. If for no other reason than for me to know that someone is reading my nonsense =]


what a *DELIGHT*

If you have not already done so, I would ~highly~ recommend you try Special K's new cereal "Chocolately Delight". It is............ deep breath.............. DELIGHTFUL! I have it for dessert regularly and it would just be wrong of me to keep it's chocolately goodness all to myself. You're welcome!!

Some other favorite snacks at the Hedrick residence:
- Flipsides crackers with cheese (it's a pretzel AND a cracker!!)
- CHERRY twizzler twists (Chad only likes cherry and despises strawberry)
- string cheese
- bananas (Chad will NOT eat them if they have a single brown spot on them so I buy them green!)
- chips and salsa (Herdez salsa to be exact)

Now I'm hungry........


The day

Sunday could very well be my favorite day of the week. Now, I know many of you can't stand Sunday, and rightfully so. I mean, it's the day before Monday aka: the most hated day of the week. Monday means work in the morning and the beginning of another long week and a whole new list of "to do's". However, I enjoy Sunday more than most I would say. I find so much fulfillment in going to church where I remember dreading going to church as a child/teen. I look forward to Sunday lunches and being part of the "church crowd" at a specially chosen restaurant. I absolutely love coming home and doing nothing in particular with my husband and daughter. Seriously! We may watch some tv, catch a mid-afternoon snack, get on the computer, or kiss each other as we pass in the hall (one of my faves)..... Sunday just rocks. I love you Sunday!

Hadley is going to be 6 weeks old on Wednesday and I am desperately trying to figure out one thing: Where does time go? She is starting to show some of her own characterics and facial features and it is so very bittersweet. I love it but I hate it!! I have begged and pleaded with her to stay little forever, but she just won't. =[

Chad has asked me repeatedly to clean out my closet. It's no secret that I (and women in general...) have hoards of clothes in our closet that we have owned for a decade or more and never wear. He also can't seem to grasp why I might need 21 pairs of jeans while he needs only 4 or 5 pair. I don't even try to explain to him how women have skinny, flare, boot leg, low rise, capri, white, dark and light jeans. Men have jeans. That's it, just jeans. Anyway, I ended up getting a wild hair somewhere and went to town getting rid of stuff in my closet. We probably emptied 5 trash bags full of stuff I never wear or haven't worn in at least a year. Upon doing so, I realized one thing: I *really* have nothing to wear!!!! I was in desperate need of a wardrobe update and Chad agreed especially after he saw the pile of trash bags by the front door. Sooooooooo he took me shopping today. =] Now, let's get real.... I love to shop. Like, I really looooooooove to shop. Always have!! But never in my life have I ever enjoyed shopping as much as I do with anyone as I do with Chad! He is the best shopping buddy!! (I am considering renting him out for a small fee if you're interested). He picks out things that you normally would not try on and they look fantastic. He always says to me "girls buy things they think other girls like and it's totally different from what guys think looks good on girls". Good point. I just like his perspective and I LOVE his opinion when it comes to fashion. He is quite the fashionista!

I need a twitter geek to come and teach me how to twitter/tweet. I think I'm twitter/tweeter challenged. I'm following celebs such as Ashton Kutcher, Nicole Ritchie, Ellen DeGeneres, John Mayer, and Alyssa Milano to name a few. John Mayer is hysterical. A genuine comedian. I love his updates.

More later........ I have some things I would like to look up online.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

these colors don't bleed....

Did no one notice the color theme?? Red, white and blue! USA =]

I've got some ideas swarming upstairs - I know, I know.... "don't hurt yourself". Here's what I'm thinking:

~daily bible verse?
~countdown to the olympics?
~pictures? (how do I upload pics to my posts? anyone know?)

I would like very much to give a HUGE-ONIC congratulations to my awesome, amazing and talented cousin Kimberly Anna Jester for making cheerleader!!! Girl after my own heart =] I love you and I'm soooo super proud of you!!!

And another GIANT congratulations to my cousin Ashlee who got married today! I hope you love being married as much as I do. =]

*sweet dreams*

Once a blogger....

Soooo, I have been *itching* to start a blog for awhile now, but with the pregnancy, the end of Chad's season, the birth of our (amazing!) newborn, Chad's world cup..... life got busy and I am FINALLY getting around to it. NOTE: I blogged a little in high school and college and loved it.... it gave me an outlet ANDDDD I don't mean to toot my own horn, but.... TOOT TOOT.... I'm a pretty incredible writer. Just ask my Twin. Or my Mom. They'll tell you. =]

On to the important stuff: We got home from Houston on Wednesday afternoon. One word: sad. I actually bawled my eyes out at the airport. =[ We got in to SLC around noon and were so tired we got in bed right when we got home, took a 2 hour nap, woke up and watched tv IN BED for awhile before going back to sleep for the night. I was more tired than Chad so I didn't wake up until almost noon the next day; but hey, I'm waking up to feed a 5 week old in the middle of the night so I deserve it.

The weather in SLC is absolutely ridiculous. This morning we woke up to cloudy, windy skies with a threat of rain. Rain apparently is in our forecast for the next 4 days though we haven't seen a drop yesterday or today. It's currently 45 degrees out. 45!!!! In the middle of APRIL! We are still wearing jackets here and this really disgusts me after having just been home in Tantastic Texas for 5 days where the weather is gorgeous and most importantly....... HOT. If there really were a "mother nature" rather than a God who controlled the weather, I would have a bone to pick with her. In fact, I would hunt her down, shave off an eyebrow and take her out at her knees. But since I know God himself controls the weather, I'll refrain.

We have no food in my house being that we were out of town for a week. I think my husband is expecting to eat dinner tonight so I had better go grocery shopping. I know, right? Who does he think he is? Wanting dinner! Unbelieveable.....


1, 2, 3.....